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J'ai écrit à Spock

Please remove my name : Bxxxxx YYYYYYYYYYY
Thank you.

Best regards,

Eux aussi:

Hi Bxxxxx,

Spock is a search engine that aggregates information from the web around specific people. Since we do that, you need to perform a few steps in order to be removed from our database. Since Spock crawls the web periodically, if you do not remove your identity from the source that we crawled it from, your search result on Spock will be re-created. Please ensure your LinkedIn, Myspace, Friendster, and personal website or blog pages are private or removed completely and then contact Spock to have your search result deleted. We only delete search results if they contain information, crawled by us, that is no longer publicly available.

If the information on your Spock search result was created by yourself or when you signed up for Spock, you need to go onto your search result, and vote down all the information using the voting function (for more on voting, see the section entitled removing tags from Spock.) After you have completed the above steps, please email and we will delete your search result from Spock. Please bear in mind that if new information appears about you on the public web, Spock (and all other search engines) may re-crawl that information and re-index your result.


The Spock Team

C'est vrai que c'était aussi con de demander qu'on me retire de google, ou d'internet...

Cela dit, la manière dont ils présentent le bazard, il y a qd même clairement une ligne (en fait deux, en locurence) dans leur DB avec mon ç peux chier des bulles carrées avant qu'ils ne la retirent...ou même avouent l'existance...

c'est con parce que c'est la qu'on rentre dans l'illégal.

Enfin mon seul but était de leur faire comprendre que je n'était pas intéressé.

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