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[16:19] 146209156: hi.... :smile:
[16:19] *** Auto-response sent to 146209156: I am currently away from the computer.
[16:19] 146209156: asl?
[16:19] LeTho: what's that ?
[16:19] 146209156: 23/f/ny
[16:20] LeTho: ok
[16:20] 146209156: so waht are you up to letho?
[16:20] LeTho: tu manges du foin souvent ?
[16:20] 146209156: great! can you jst get it started..
[16:21] 146209156: you wana cyber me! im kinda in the mood if you know what i mean :smile:
[16:21] LeTho: oh oui leche moi le telephone
[16:21] LeTho: j'adore faire l'amour avec un ordi par ICQ
[16:21] 146209156: maybe after we get to know eachother better.. lets start with email ->
[16:21] LeTho: tu dois etre chaude avec toute ta ram
[16:22] 146209156: so tell me how you would do me! from behind?
[16:22] 146209156: yeah, give it to me from behind sweets
[16:24] LeTho: ooooh oui par le ventilo arriere
[16:24] LeTho: ça doit etre bon
[16:24] LeTho: tu es blonde ou brune ?


Attends !!!!!! je crois rêver !!!! cet UIN m'a contacté ce après midi ... enfin vers 18h ... je l'ai tout de suite ignoé :wink: tu as eu plus de courage que moi ! - © 2002-2024 AkretioSPRL  - Generated via Kelare
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