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Jeff Hicks

“Because knowing PowerShell is harder than crochet with your grandmother and damn critical to your career.”

Jeff Hicks

PowerShell Guru & Petri Contributor


  • ManageEngine


    Monitor, manage, and secure your IT infrastructure with enterprise-grade solutions built from the ground up.

    Learn more about ManageEngine
  • Semperis


    Reduce time to recover AD after a cyberattack by up to 90%. With Semperis Active Directory Forest Recovery (ADFR), you’ll be back in business in minutes or hours rather than days or weeks.

    Learn more about Semperis
  • SkyKick


    Did you know data creation is at an all-time high? In fact, it is estimated that 1.7 MB of data is created every second for every person on Earth. As companies grow and adopt more digital tools, the volume of generated data continues to increase, making Data Sprawl one of the key hidden challenges for businesses.

    Learn more about SkyKick