we want to make you discover a new free multiplayer game software for windows and linux!! 5 games are available (one included with the platform and you can download the other from the software): TetrisLAN(2 players), TacticLAN(tactical game 2-4 players), Gomoku No Ken(2 players), CheckersLAN(2 players) and ShareLAN ok.. it's free!! so don't hesitate to test it again and again to help us. You need to sucribe on the website to use gamelan, if you want to test it first, you use these login/password to log in, in the software: test1/test1 test2/test2 test3/test3 test4/test4 but I'm sure after testing you will prefer to suscribe and have your own login to play, and increase your rank at the game. It's the begining, so don't hesitate to come with a friend for testing!